Saving Associate Documents

 Saving Associate Documents

(Images can be enlarged by clicking on them)

  1. Scan the document to your email
  2. Save the document in the Temporary Scans folder
    • 27 Hillsboro Shared --> Admin --> Admin --> Temporary Scans
    • Use the following format to name the files: LastName.FirstName.DocumentType.EffectiveDate
  3. Document Type is generally the purpose of the document, our most common documents include:
    • Voluntary Standby forms - Last.First.VoluntaryStandby.Date
    • Meal Waiver forms - Last.First.MealWaiver.Date
    • CAFs (Corrective Action Forms) - Last.First.CAF.Date
    • PAFs (Personal Action Forms)
      • please note that for PAFs the document type should be checked at the top of the form
      • Example: Last.First.SecondaryPosn.Date
  4. Be mindful when entering the effective dates. For most documents the effective date will not be explicitly listed and we use the date that the associate signed the form(s). However, PAFs & CAFs should both state the date the form is effective (CAF effective dates appears as "Date of Infraction"). For PAFs/CAFs make sure you are using the effective date and not the date that the forms were signed.


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