Saving Associate Documents
Saving Associate Documents
(Images can be enlarged by clicking on them)
- Scan the document to your email
- Save the document in the Temporary Scans folder
- 27 Hillsboro Shared --> Admin --> Admin --> Temporary Scans
- Use the following format to name the files: LastName.FirstName.DocumentType.EffectiveDate
- Document Type is generally the purpose of the document, our most common documents include:
- Voluntary Standby forms - Last.First.VoluntaryStandby.Date
- Meal Waiver forms - Last.First.MealWaiver.Date
- CAFs (Corrective Action Forms) - Last.First.CAF.Date
- PAFs (Personal Action Forms)
- please note that for PAFs the document type should be checked at the top of the form
- Example: Last.First.SecondaryPosn.Date
- Be mindful when entering the effective dates. For most documents the effective date will not be explicitly listed and we use the date that the associate signed the form(s). However, PAFs & CAFs should both state the date the form is effective (CAF effective dates appears as "Date of Infraction"). For PAFs/CAFs make sure you are using the effective date and not the date that the forms were signed.
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