
DSR Tip Outs

  DSR Tip Outs x x Login to DSR Click Tipping  in the upper left of the page Click Set Shift Date  --> Click inside the textbox --> Click the day you are going to tip out --> click anywhere outside the following box showing times --> Click Save Click Shift and Floor Assignment Use the preshift to tip out Bar staff, Caddies and Food Runners - Make sure you are using the preshift that corresponds to the day you are tipping out. Go through the checkout reports and tip out Bay Hosts as you come across their reports. Do not tip out any Event Ambassadors on this screen! Click Return  at the top of the page --> Click Event Team Assignment Use the event checkout reports & trac-sheets to tip out the events - Note that each event appears as the event card used.

Bay Control

  Fixing Bay Control (Images can be enlarged by clicking on them) Enter  chrome://net-internals/#hsts  into the browser URL Enter  in the text box under "Delete domain security policies" Delete the "" text you just entered by clicking the "Delete" button to the right of the textbox. Open Bay Control


  Troubleshooting (Images can be enlarged by clicking on them) In the event that any of our systems stop working properly or associates lose access to company profiles, we need to try to get the issues resolved as soon as possible. Login to your MyApps Select the ServiceNow  app Select Fix Something , Find Something,  or Request Something  depending on what issue you need to resolve. Fill out the description section and submit the ticket After submitting a ticket, call the TI support line to speak directly to the support team to try to resolve the issue.


 Creating Shipment Labels (Images can be enlarged by clicking on them) Login to FedEx Username: Password: JenDen7308! Click Shipping  and select Create a Shipment Enter recipient information in section 2 Enter package details in section 3 Service type  is always "FedEx ground" unless you are using a FedEx envelope in which case you should select "FedEx express saver" In section 4, enter "1027" in the Your reference  box Click Edit  next to "Pickup/Drop-off (optional)" Schedule a pickup  - if no other labels have already been made Use an already scheduled pickup at my location  - if a shipment label has already been created and a pickup has been scheduled Click Ship Print the label

Break Violations

Break Violations (Images can be enlarged by clicking on them) All positions are required to take a  30 minute, off-the-clock break  when working more than  6 hours . This break must be a full 30 minutes to be in compliance with the law. If anyone clocks back in even 1 minute early, that is a violation. This means that the amount of time listed in the break column of the report should be a minimum of 0.50 (per shift that requires a break). Anything less is a violation. Bay Hosts, Events Ambassadors and Bartenders may sign the meal waiver form (offered upon being hired) which allows them not to take a break unless they are working more than  8 hours . The meal waiver form only applies when the associates are  clocked in  as a Bay Host, EA or Bartender. Be careful when checking Bay Host & EA hours - sometime a single associate will work both position during their shift. In this case, we need to combine the hours worked in each position to make sure th...

Saving Associate Documents

 Saving Associate Documents (Images can be enlarged by clicking on them) Scan the document to your email Save the document in the Temporary Scans  folder 27 Hillsboro Shared --> Admin --> Admin --> Temporary Scans Use the following format to name the files: LastName.FirstName.DocumentType.EffectiveDate Document Type is generally the purpose of the document, our most common documents include: Voluntary Standby forms - Last.First.VoluntaryStandby.Date Meal Waiver forms - Last.First.MealWaiver.Date CAFs (Corrective Action Forms) -  Last.First.CAF.Date PAFs (Personal Action Forms) please note that for PAFs the document type should be checked at the top of the form Example: Last.First.SecondaryPosn.Date Be mindful when entering the effective dates. For most documents the effective date will not be explicitly listed and we use the date that the associate signed the form(s). However, PAFs & CAFs should both state the date the form is effective (CAF effective da...

Tablet Audit

Tablet Audit (Images can be enlarged by clicking on them) Check the (Bay Host) tablet storage and make sure that no tablets are missing. There should be 2 tablets per cubby. Check if any tablets are in a yellow or red bag. If so, notify facilities. Look out for sticky-notes on tablets as well, Bay Hosts will typically use this method to signify a faulty tablet.